Cast Iron Steaks

3 – 4 Steaks (I think tenderloin works best)

Fresh ground pepper and salt

2 to 3 fresh garlic cloves

Spring of rosemary (optional)

3 – 4 pats of butter

Couple tablespoons of olive oil

Heat the oven to 375 and heat the cast iron skillet to very hot. Coat the steaks in olive oil and cover with the fresh ground pepper and salt. Sear each side of the steak for about 3 mins per side. Immediately add the garlic, rosemary and pats of butter to the tops of the steaks. Transfer to the oven.

1″ steaks = medium rare 10 minutes total cooking time. (including sear)

1″ steaks = medium 13 minutes total cooking time. (including sear)

1′ steaks = medium well 18 minutes total cooking time. (including sear)