1 bottle of beer (a honey brown, or honey lager works real well with this)
3 cups of self rising flour
½ cup sugar
2 tbsp. melted butter

This is a simple yet delicious bread to make. It goes well with virtually anything. I have used a variety of different beers but have found that the honey lager or honey brown works best; probably because of the sweetness the honey gives off.

Mix the beer, self rising flour, and sugar together until it becomes a sticky lump of dough. Place dough into a greased bread pan and bake at 375° for about 55 minutes (or until the ol’ toothpick comes out dry). I have actually had to leave the bread in there a bit longer; it depends on the bread pan it’s baked in. When the bread is
done, pour the butter over the bread and place back in the oven for 2min.

Remove bread from pans and cool on wire racks. Enjoy!

Makes about 8 slices

Submitted By
Eddie Beyer