1 Head of Cabbage
1/2 Cup sugar
1/2 Cup vinegar
1/4 teaspoon of powdered mustard
Dash of black pepper
1 Tablespoon of butter
1 Good tablespoon of flour
1 Egg

Shred one head of cabbage and soak in cold water and salt (about 1 tablespoon) for about 10 minutes … THEN DRAIN WELL.

Put sugar, vinegar, powdered mustard and pepper in a saucepan and cook ~ bring to a boil and continue over low flame about 10 minutes. In a frying pan over low heat, put 1 tablespoon of butter, melt and stir in a good tablespoon of flour and mix like a paste. Add the mixture from saucepan to the paste and cook for about 10 minutes over low flame. Remove from burner and take beaten egg and stir into mixture. Immediately pour mixture over cabbage and mix well. Let cabbage set and absorb.

Submitted By
Alice Beyer