2 lb. ground beef 80/20
4 eggs
3 T. Butter
8 oz. panko italian bread crumbs
1/2 tsp. minced onion
3 T. minced garlic
4 T. dried parsley
3 small chopped onions
24 oz. can beef broth

Sauté the onions and garlic in 1T of the butter until the onions are nice and translucent. Set aside.

In a mixing bowl, beat the eggs with a fork then add the bread crumbs and parsley. Add in the saut̩ed onion and garlic and incorporate. Add the ground beef and fold into the mixture with a fork Рdo not use your hands or over mix.

Shape into Salisbury steak style patties and brown each side in the remaining butter in a skillet (350 degrees)

Add the beef broth reserving a quarter cup for thickening later. Reduce the heat to 200 degrees and simmer covered for about an hour.

Submitted By
Eddie Beyer